Are cheaters more tolerant of cheating?
New research suggests that unfaithful partners are more likely to forgive others' infidelity than those who have never strayed.
In a recent study published in the Journal of Sexuality and Culture, researchers Desiree I. Sharpe, Andrew S. Walters, and Matt J. Goren tested attitudes towards infidelity based on gender and past cheating experience.
After presenting 92 men and 228 women with scenarios in which partners cheated and then asking them questions, the researchers discovered that people who had cheated in the past were more accepting of others' infidelity. Even more interesting, the researchers found the sexes tended to stick together.
"Men with cheating experience were most accepting/forgiving of the male cheating character and women with cheating experience were most accepting/forgiving of the female cheating character," the authors explained.

Alternatively, "Participants who reported no history of infidelity found infidelity as generally unacceptable, regardless of character gender," the authors wrote.

Source: The HuffPost